Document Verification Service (DVS) Participation Agreement 

The Identity Verification Services Act (IVS Act) of 2023 legislated the existing DVS, introducing a statutory framework for identity verification services in Australia. The Act's purpose is to enhance the security and privacy of the identity verification process.

As part of the Act, a new Document Verification Service (DVS) Participation Agreement (PA) for Business Users (BU) is set to take effect on 14 June 2025.

The DVS Participation Agreement replaces existing DVS Business User Agreements, bringing them in line with the Act.


What does this mean to you?

To continue accessing DVS, registered business users must sign and return a new Participation Agreement to the DVS by 13 June 2025.

Failure to sign the new agreement by this date will result in your DVS access being removed on 14 June 2025. This will impact on your identity verification service.


What do you need to do?

Starting on the 20th January 2025, the IVS Manager (previously DVS Manager) will be sending all registered DVS users two emails:

  1. From IVS Manager: Outline of what to expect
  2. From Noggin (Attorney-General Dept platform): Instructions on how to sign and submit the Participation Agreement.

DVS will be managing this process directly with you. Please do not send your Participation Agreement to Cloudcheck GBG.  You must use the link provided to you by the Noggin Platform.

You’ll receive the following document from the IVS Manager:

  • DVS Business User Participation Agreement (for signing)
  • DVS Access Policy
  • Attachment A – Updates to DVS definitions
  • Attachment B – DVS Terms and Conditions clause comparison with the new Participation Agreement
  • Instructions on how to complete and upload the Participation Agreement.

Note: Attachment B provides a handy comparison between your existing arrangement with DVS and the new Participation Agreement.

Quick links

IVS Act                

IVS Rules       

Document Verification Service (DVS) Participation Agreement

1. What is the Document Verification Service Business User Participation Agreement.

The Participation Agreement replaces your existing Business User Terms and Conditions with the DVS.

2. When will the first email notification be sent to all the business users?

The first email notification will be sent to business users on 20 January 2025 from IVS Manager. This email will advise business users that a separate email will be sent from Attorney-General’s Department Noggin platform, with instructions on how to sign and submit the DVS Business User Participation Agreement.

3. What is the deadline for business users to sign the DVS Participation Agreement and what happens if the agreement is not signed by the deadline?

The Identity Verification Services Act 2023 (Cth) requires all users of the DVS to sign the Participation Agreement by 13 June 2025. Failure to sign and return the Participation Agreement will result in connection to the DVS being automatically removed on 14 June 2025. There is no extension to this date.

4. Will I need to physically sign the DVS Participation Agreement?

NO, to streamline the process and eliminate the need for physical signatures, the DVS Business User Participation Agreement can be digitally signed and witnessed. Once the agreement is signed, it must be uploaded via DVS’s Noggin platform..

5. Does the new DVS Participation Agreement replace my existing DVS agreements?

YES, the new DVS Business User Participation Agreement replaces the existing DVS Business User Terms and Conditions.

6. What documents will be provided to business users?

 All necessary documents will be provided to the business users and will be included in the email from DVS’s Noggin platform and subsequent follow-up emails. The email will include:

  • DVS Business User Participation Agreement (for signing)
  • DVS Access Policy
  • Attachment A – Updates to DVS definitions
  • Attachment B – Comparison between the old Business User Agreements and the new Participation Agreement
  • Instructions on how to complete and upload the Participation Agreement.

 7. Does Clause 3.4 of the Business User Participation Agreement mean that business users need to sign an additional contract with Austroads and Registries of Births, Deaths and Marriages?

NO, clause 3.4 refers to a separate Participation Agreement that will be signed between the Attorney-General’s Department, Austroads and Registries of Births, Deaths and Marriages. Business users will not be required to sign an additional contract with these organisations.

8. Where can I get a comparison of the old DVS Terms and Conditions and the new Participation Agreement?

Attachment B provided by the DVS provides an overview of the major difference between the two agreements.

9.  Do I submit a Compliance Statement with my Participation Agreement? 

NO. Users do not need to complete a compliance statement with your Participation Agreement.  The compliance statement process is being finalised and will be announced after the 14 June 2025 

10. Our business has overseas personnel, what do we need to do? 

  • Authorised DVS users must not access the DVS overseas without requesting and receiving approval from On request, a questionnaire will be sent. Organisations accessing the DVS without approval will not be able to enter into agreements or operate under the IVS Act as they will be in breach of the terms and conditions. Signed agreements from breached organisations will not be counter-signed by the Attorney-General’s Department until they are compliant with the IVS Act and subsidiary artefacts. 


1. Are there any changes to the requirements for obtaining customer consent under the new DVS Participation Agreement? Where can I find the consent statement?

YES, where previously express consent was a requirement under the Privacy Act, it is now a requirement under the Identity Verification Services Act 2023 (Cth). Guidelines for obtaining express consent can be found in the DVS Access Policy, Part 2, Section 2.50. including the below sample consent statement:

I confirm that I am authorised to provide the personal details presented and I consent to my information being checked with the document issuer or official record holder via third party systems for the purpose of confirming my identity.  

NOTE: the new IVS Act 2023 consent requirement is not materially different to the existing Privacy Act requirement, but you should review your current process and consent statement to ensure you remain compliant.

2. What is the process for notifying the IVS Manager of overseas personnel?

Any requests for overseas personnel or access must be sent to Our Audit and Compliance team will review your request and will contact you if any further information is required before processing it.

3. What are the obligations around conducting Privacy Impact Assessments?

There is a requirement under the Identity Verification Services Act 2023 (Cth) for all requesting agencies to have a Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) in place. DVS are working on updating the PIA process to streamline the requirements under the IVS Act and will provide further information as it becomes available.

4. Will the new Participation Agreements mean the DVS users are no longer required to sign a Commonwealth Electoral Roll Declaration?

Commonwealth Electoral Roll Declaration will still be required as per the current process.

5. What do I do if I have issues logging into Noggin? 

  • Any queries regarding issues with the Noggin link should be sent to 

Face Verification Service (FVS)

1. What is the Face Verification Service?

The FVS is a government service that compares a person's photo to the image on their government-issued ID, such as their passport or driver licence. 

The FVS is currently only available to government agencies, however the IVS Act (2023) has provision to make this available to commercial entities, similar to the DVS.

Based on updates received from the IVS Manager, it is expected that the FVS will become commercially available in the second half of 2025. GBG are currently working to ensure that we make the FVS service available to our customers as soon as possible once it is available commercially.

GBG customers wishing to use the FVS will need to sign a separate FVS participation agreement, details will be provided when they are available.

GBG identity services including greenID and Cloudcheck

1. How does the new Participation Agreement impact my identity service?

If you do not sign and return the Participation Agreement to DVS by 13 June 2025, your access to DVS will cease on 14 June 2025 and DVS transactions will not be processed.

2. Can GBG submit the new Participation Agreement for me?

NO, you will need to use the link provided by the IVS Manager to sign and upload your Participation Agreement, Gateway Service Provider’s such as GBG cannot do this on your behalf.

3. Can GBG provide advice on the changes to the Participation Agreement?

NO, GBG cannot provide specific advice on the changes to the Participation Agreement. As each business is unique, the impacts and necessary adaptations required to implement the new terms are best evaluated by your legal and compliance teams.